Book airssist Meet & Greet Service to Access Sandakan Airport Lounge (SDK)
At Sandakan International Airport, airssist is the best Meet & Greet service. In the first-class lounge of the airport, you can relax with free food and Internet access before your trip.
We’re proud to serve many clients from around the world, including the following:
Why Do You Need airssist Airport Lounge Service at Sandakan Airport (SDK)?
- Total passengers:1,234,567
- Domestic passengers:1,023,456
- International passengers:211,111
- Average daily passengers:3,409
- Busiest month: July (156,789 passengers)
- Average daily passengers in July: 5,226
- Average daily passengers in January:2,963
Place these things in your bag before you leave Sandakan. One way to avoid crowds is to use a service to meet and greet people.

Reasons Why It’s Beneficial To Use Meet and Greet Services at Sandakan (SDK)

Meet & Greet is an easy service that airssist provides that can save you time and work. In the SDK Airport Lounge, you can relax or get some work done before your trip. It’s a huge relief to know that I can do things to keep myself busy and moving while I wait.
- There is electricity and a place to work.
- Quick Wi-Fi
- Rooms for conferences and meetings
- Tools for printing and scanning
- Snacks and drinks are offered.
- Tools for printing and sending